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How web hosting benefits businesses
If you want a website for your business, then you will need a web host. Although web hosting is usually left at the back of a business’ mindset, it is crucial for your online presence.
A reliable web host can give your company a variety of benefits, such as:
In short, investing in a reliable web host is wise – and should help grow your business.
Expected features from hosting providers
Web hosts offer more than just web hosting services for businesses. Web host firms offer multiple services that ensure a hassle-free experience for business owners and to make sure their only focus is the time and energy spent on their business.

Here are some features you should expect from a good web hosting provider:

Email accounts: Hosting providers will require users to create their own domain name. Domain names and email accounts will be one of the features provided.
FTP access: FTP allows you to upload files from a local computer to the web server. Your website will be accessible through the internet, with files transferred from your computer straight to the server using this feature. FTP access is critical for web developers.
WordPress support: WordPress, which powers nearly half of the websites on the internet, is a convenient way to create and manage your website content.
Enhanced security: Many hosting providers, such as WPEngine, now provide complimentary SSL certificates with their hosting services.

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